From 4 - 17 March, Singapore Design Week (SDW) brings together a collection of local and international design activities in Singapore. Organized by DesignSingapore Council (Dsg), SDW is open to the design community, businesses, design students, public sector officers, and the general public.
This sixth edition takes place at the National Design Centre and various locations across Singapore and seeks to bring the value and impact of design on businesses, communities and individuals to the fore. Four programmes have been carefully curated to focus on design’s impact across these thematic categories: Transform my business, Empower my community, Inspire my Everyday and Reimagine my Future.
Street of Clans, a vibrant festival that brings together Bukit Pasoh Road’s colorful history and Singapore’s creative communities, will feature several clans hosting rare open houses with design installations that showcase clan values and stories in a new light.
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